Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Little Details

This weekend, Vern and I did all sorts of things wedding-related. We dropped my dress off at his mom's, and she is going to add some buttons to the sleeves (the previous buttons have disappeared in the last 37 years). It is so wonderful for her to help me with that! Then, after dropping off the dress, Vern and I toodled on over to Aardvark's in Pasadena. For those of you who don't know, Aardvark's is a vintage-y thrift store. They are more expensive than a regular thrift store but generally cheaper than a department store--and they have clothing with more character. Anyway, we were looking for a suit for Vern--he had a back-up one, but was hoping to find something different--and we found one! It looks absolutely amazing on him, too!

Now we're pretty much in the last stage of all the planning--we've chosen our songs for the quartet to play, but we have to choose them in order of what we like best (just in case they run out of time and can't play them all). We've paid the photographer and we've paid for the linens and tables and chairs. My dad made reservations at Fargo's, this really cool pizza place that's kind of turn-of-the-century and kitschy, for the dinner the night before the wedding. We have gotten all of the RSVP's. We have an officiant. But we have to choose some readings for the ceremony still. Anyway, you get the picture--we've got a lot done and just a little more to go.

Because I've been keeping such a good count, I thought I'd update you and let you know that it is, as of today, 5 days until Vern and I leave for Colorado and 12 days until we are married! I'm kind of nervous to have all those people staring at me. I know I'm an actress and I should be used to it, but this is different. And I know that it's all my family and friends, but it's still sort of weird to be the center of everyone's focus. But luckily, I have seen Vern in his suit, and I am quite certain he will help ease that focus, because he looks absolutely amazing in that suit. Like something out of a magazine. I told him if computers ever go the way of the record player, he could certainly pay the bills with his looks. He's stunning. But you all already knew that.



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