So, Vern and I finally sent out the wedding invitations! We sent them on Saturday, so people should probably be receiving them in the very near future.
We also registered this weekend at Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. That was pretty fun, although to register at Bed, Bath & Beyond you practically have to promise them your firstborn. We had to sit at a table and be pelted with questions like "how did you two meet?" To which I replied...."Um.....he was a friend of a girl in my theatre company." The lady also asked how many people we were having to the wedding, where it was going to be, and when I got my first period. Not really, but you get the idea. Now imagine this all said through the voice of a cartoon character and you can maybe imagine what Vern and I looked like: deer in the headlights. Controlled breathing. Then she proceeded to ask me what we were thinking about in regards to flatware and dishes, to which I replied "we're already set with all that." And with all the listening skills of a rock, she plopped down two enormous binders of FLATWARE AND DISHES for us to look through. Anyway, finally we got the little scanner thingie from her hot little hands and got to escape into the store.
We went to Target the next day. Vern had signed up online the night before. We walked in and the lady gave us the scanner. The end. Target is glorious.
I got my wedding shoes on Saturday, too. I had forgotten I needed them until I walked by these white flats at DSW and saw my wedding shoes--they are flat, white, with the same kind of lace that is on my dress! They're perfect.
Yesterday, Vern and I took Dana for a walk. She was in doggy heaven. Billy was jealous.
That was pretty much the weekend. They certainly don't last long enough. Especially when I have someone like Vern.